Sunday, August 03, 2008

Insert Funny Caption Here

Each week in the Boston Globe, there is a contest where they provide a cartoon and challenge the readers with providing a witty one-line caption. Winning entries usually contain some local current events reference. Here is last week's cartoon:

Deanna submitted an entry for the first time and I am pleased to report that her submission was given an honorable mention! Click here to see Deanna's name in lights and the other winning submissions.

I am so proud of Deanna. When we lived in Phoenix, she got Sam published in the Arizona Republic "brag book". She's already gotten our boys published in the Wellesley Townsman multiple times. And she even won a contest where her idea was chosen for the Wellesley Free Library's newly launched e-newsletter: "The Wellesley Reader".

What's next? Great job Deanna!
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